The One Straw Revolution, and the Natural Method of Gardening.

 On of the most important people in modern agriculture, and author of 'The One Straw Revolution" by Masanobu Fukuoka. Well worth reading, very good story and short. Only about 140 pages.

Some of his methods were adopted and perfected or changed to be used by permaculture practitioners.

This from Wikipedia

Fukuoka re-invented and advanced the use of clay seed balls. Clay seed balls were originally an ancient practice in which seeds for the next season's crops are mixed together, sometimes with humus or compost for microbial inoculants, and then are rolled within clay to form into small balls. This method is now commonly used in guerilla gardening to rapidly seed restricted or private areas.

 This is an excellent way to reseed areas that have been degraded by drought and desertification, commercial and chemical agriculture or global warming. Areas can be reseeded while dry, and the clay seedball will protect the seeds from birds or other animals that might eat them. When it does rain the clay melts and act as a sponge for the seeds to root into.  This will be very useful to reverse desertification in places like the Desert Southwest of America, the Sahara in Africa, Gobi desert in northern China, or Australia. 

From WIKIMEDIA on seedballs, including links for other languages.  BB


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